Freelance Character Illustrator

Sample works

Smooth Realistic Render

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Rough Realistic Render

click to view

Rough Sketchy Render

click to view

Character Sheet

click to view

Commission Pricing

Smooth realistic render

ShotBase PricesTurnaround Time
Portrait (Head to Bust)$2402-3 days after sketch approval
Half Body$2803-4 days after sketch approval
Knee to Full Body$3504-5 days after sketch approval
Additional fees  
Additional Figure+60% of its base price 
Complex background+20%-30% of its base price 
Title/textSimple +$25Complex +$60
Addional Revision+$35 
Commercial workx2 of it’s base price 

Rough realistic render

ShotBase PricesTurnaround Time
Portrait (Head to Bust)$1901-2 days after sketch approval
Half Body$2302-3 days after sketch approval
Knee to Full Body$3003-4 days after sketch approval
Additional fees  
Additional Figure+60% of its base price 
Complex background+20%-30% of its base price 
Title/textSimple +$25Complex +$60
Addional Revision+$35 
Commercial workx2 of it’s base price 

Rough Sketchy render

ShotBase PricesTurnaround Time
Portrait (Head to Bust)$1401 day after sketch approval
Half Body$1801-2 days after sketch approval
Knee to Full Body$2502-3 days after sketch approval
Additional fees  
Additional Figure+60% of its base price 
Complex background+20%-30% of its base price 
Title/textSimple +$25Complex +$60
Addional Revision+$35 
Commercial workx2 of it’s base price 

Character Design Sheet

ShotPricesTurnaround Time
Front & Back only$2505 days after sketch approval
Basic Design Sheet$3707 days after sketch approval
Additional fees  
Additional Figure+$150+ 1-2 days turnaround time
Additional Expression+$60+ 1 day turnaround time
Additional Equipment+$80 
Naked version+$80 

The Process

Hello, you must seen a post saying that I’m available for hire, or just found out about my links in one of my profile. Neither ways, Thank you for your interest visiting my site!

1. Reach me out

Below, are the possible ways to reach me out. Please state your intention and expect me to respond within the day or as soon as possible.

The Process

2. Let’s Talk!

DETAILS, is all we need at first to visualize and plan things out. The more information is, the more accurate the work can be. I made a list of necessary information that should be discussed:

1. Canvas size (pixels or aspect ratio of the image) only if there’s size needed, if theres none, ill just pick one that suit the best.

-frontal view of the character is enough if the task is also frontal view, but additional back view will help, and even side view if there is, will be perfect!
-reference of weapon if there’s weapon or any accessories included
-reference of the idea itself if you thinking of one, like poses, a scene, a background, a setting, mood etc.
-if you dont have a photo reference, describing it through words will do! (ex. A red glowing long sword with black hilt)

3. Any additional note I should know like you can say whats the character’s personality so it can be portrayed accurately in the design, (like we can easily distinguish a good or bad person through how they pose) its Background, race, etc. is optional but could help.

The Process

3. Rough Sketch

To make sure that our initial plan is solid and I understand things right, I’ll draw a rough sketch that will help the further sketch whether its about the pose, inventing a design or the whole composition. Check out images below for examples.

(Above are rough Sketches planning about the character’s pose)

(Above are rough Sketches about invention of a character’s design)

(Above are rough Sketches about the whole composition or concept of a piece)

Once it’s done, I’ll submit it for consultation if it’s right, if there’s things to add or fix for the
continuation of the Final sketch.

The Process

4. Final Sketch

A cleaner and more detailed version of the rough one, a sketch that is ready to proceed into linework to rendering to the final furnishing and detailing. It shows the glimpse of how the finish piece may look like.

I’ll submit a sketch once again and we’ll discuss whether it has to be revised or it’s now approved for the process of completion.

Once the final sketch is approved, a half payment (50% of the total rate) should be done for security purposes from scam and cancellation of a finish piece.

The Process

5. Work on progress

This is where you give the artist time to work on finishing the project, this may take about 3 days to 2 weeks depending on the project’s complexion and artist’s current situation.

most clients prefer to just surprise them with the final output, However, you may also request to see the progress.

The Process

6. Project Done!

We did it! It’s complete and now ready to use, or… to be revised if there’s something wrong lol.

You will recieve a lower resolution and watermarked version of the piece for checking. Once the full payment has been made, I will send the original file through Gdrive link or into your preferred email address. (Check out my paypal ID at Contacts)

contacts and Profile links

Terms and Conditions

1. Work and Payment

1.1 Project. The Client is hiring the Artist to do the following: Draw or
Design an illustration for the Client.
1.2 Schedule. The Designer will begin to work as soon as the needed information is obtained and will be ended at the scheduled deadline.1.3 Payment. The Client will pay the Artist by half after the sketch has been approved. The full payment should be done before the releasing of the original final output.1.4 Pricing. The following rates are not official. It will be base on the Artist’s skill and will be adjusted a bit if the quality has improved. Prices may be changed without further notice.

2. Ownership and licenses

2.1 Client Owns All Work Product. As part of this job, the Artist is creating "work product" for the Client. To avoid confusion, work product is the finished product, as well as drafts, sketches, designs and anything else that the Artist works on--that is, conceives, creates, designs, develops, invents, works on, or reduces to practice-as part of this project. The Artist hereby gives the Client this work product once the Client pays for it in full. Client will be the sole owner of it. The Client can use the work product however it wants or it can decide not to use the work product at all. The Client, for example, can modify or destroy the product. The product is not allowed to use for selling and for making profit out of it without paying for commercial use. Purchasing the product with Commercial use allows the Client to have the rights to profit and do what it like to the product.2.2 Artist's Use Of Work Product. Once the Artist gives the work product to the Client, the Artist does not have any rights to it, except those that the Client explicitly gives the Artist here. The Client gives the Artist permission to use the work product as part of the Artist's portfolio and websites, in galleries, and in other media, so long as it is to showcase the Artist's work and not for any other purpose. The Artist is not allowed to sell or otherwise use the work product to make money or for any other commercial use.

Hello, I am Dough

My name is Nathaniel, freelance artist living in the Philippines. I do Art because I love to. I’ve been into drawing since I was young. I was first a hobbyist that’s now striving to become professional.

I started my journey in digital art 4 years ago, now I’ve drawn hundreds of works, worked with bunch of clients to support my financial needs and to afford better art setup and equipment. I continually practice to provide a better service and to increase my artistic skill.